Essential Oil FAQs



  • Black Pepper: a warming oil. Hands cold? Rub black pepper essential oil into your hands with sweet almond oil for an instant warming sensation. Encourages hair growth due to it’s ability to increases circulation to the scalp. Lessens inflammation.

  • Basil: eliminates hair odors, hydrates strands and soothes scalp due to irritation from eczema and other skin conditions. Anti-inflammatory properties help with dandruff.

  • Lemongrass: antibacterial and antifungal. strengthens hair follicles. natural hair conditioner. natural deodorizer

  • Myrrh natural astringent. strengthens hair follicles, tightens skin, reduces hair shedding

  • Peppermint: cooling. stimulates follicles. relieves dry scalp, moisturizes and treats dandruff

  • Rosemary: keeps follicles active. stimulates hair growth, adds shine great for dry scalp

  • Tea tree: antiseptic and anti-fungal. Removes and prevents oil build-up. Stimulates hair follicles. Anti-inflammatory.

  • Turmeric: anti-inflammatory. Antioxidant content fights free-radicals on the scalp, encourages blood-flow to the scalp and stimulates hair follicles to encourage hair growth.


  • Bood orange: Cleans and deodorizes. Antiseptic, antiviral and ant-bacterial. Brightens strands.

  • Tangerine: Soothes scalp irritation, dryness and infection like dandruff and dermatitis. Antiseptic. Great for stretch marks as it helps to heal damaged skin.

  • Grapefruit: contributes to hair health by adding shine and luster. Helps to deodorize the hair and scalp and relieve dandruff. Grapefruit essential oil is great for oily scalps as it wil clear access oil and stimulate follicles.


  • Cedarwood: stimulates follicles and increases hair growth. Balances sebum production. Antifungal and anti-bacterial.

  • Ginger: Reduces inflammation. Minerals like phosphorus, magnesium and potassium stimulate blood flow to the scalp which encourages hair growth. Fatty acid content coats strands to prevent thinning hair.

  • Sage: reduces shedding, natural hair conditioner, balances the oil on your scalp, lessens the appearance of blemishes, darkens gray hair over time

  • Carrotseed: Nourishes hair and smooths skin.


  • Ylang ylang: cooling. anticeptic. balances sebum production. antibacterial properties sooth scalp and stimulates hair follicles. Blends well with grapefruit and sandalwood.

  • Lavender: antibacterial. helps with itchiness, stimulates follicles to encourage hair growth

  • Rosehip: Moisturizes the hair and scalp, smooths lines and relieves dandruff symptoms. Revitalizes damaged hair and scalp.




Henna Hair Care